
Dharma as the Fabric of the Cosmic Web (Shiv)

An esoteric foundational setup to provide a completeness of the theory of reality. Perhaps a good chunk of us have heard of dharma referenced as duty/purpose of the soul. While that is correct, we must remember that ancient wisdom always had scalable knowledge, irrespective of how data at these scales are encoded to the human perception, this data always follows a self-similar order at all scales, like a fractal. Here, we will discuss how the consciousness layer of the cosmos (Shiv) operates in an equal way to the perceivable, measurable, thermodynamics-oriented, physical layer (Shakti). In particular, where the concept of dharma falls at such a large scale and how it may vibrationally operate. I personally believe that it is the missing key to the "why" of how the cosmos integrate and operate in our lives.


Vibrational Density & Matter, 3D Reality Lag, Lokas, Reality-Based Disorders™


Your Brain Filters UFC, Purnam, Fractals, & Self-Concept