
Vijñanamaya Kosha Explained: The Hidden Link to Reality-Based Disorders™

The Panchakoshas come from yogic philosophy and, from Sanskrit, translate into the 5 illusory layers of our existence. The exploration of the wisdom/observer layer, the vijñanamaya, is something I will continue to reference as we analyze Reality-Based Disorders™ (RBD's), so this breakdown and my hypothesis linking the Vijñanamaya to RBD's will serve as a digestible knowledge base to come back to. The content will continue to evolve as I deepen my learning. RBD's are where ego dissolution typically takes place, but in western society, we tend to throw pills at people without wanting to understand the root cause. In yogic philosophy and tantric examinations, this is actually seen as a path to an awakening.


Legitimizing Consciousness in the Cosmic Framework