
Your Brain Filters UFC, Purnam, Fractals, & Self-Concept

Building on top of legitimizing consciousness as a layer of our universe, there are MULTIPLE ways to link the physical and consciousness-related, but most relatable would be working with our brains and how we perceive ourselves. We will be delving into self-concept, detangling, and maybe even tangling again. I am challenging the viewpoint that consciousness is created in our brains: the brain is a filter, not a generator, of consciousness. Let's see how deep we can go with tantric philosophy and studies of consciousness and quantum reality as we know it today. UFC here stands for Universal Field of Consciousness Brahman/Atman = supreme reality Purnam = infinity/fullness Fractal = never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales


Dharma as the Fabric of the Cosmic Web (Shiv)


Legitimizing Consciousness in the Cosmic Framework